Email: <> (registration, info & bugs reports)
Testing Information
My program ara tested onto:
• PowerMac 8200 with System 7.6
• Quadra 800 with System 7.5.5
• Macintosh IIsi with System 7.1
ConvertTextInfos 1.0 - $5
ConvertTextInfos is a program used to read the data send through a html page usually to your email address. The program format the data in a readle way for a text editor.
This is a first version, a new release will be shipped. New version will include:
• the use of a preference file in a text format used in the conversion process to make
easy the program modification.
ConvertTextInfos is a shareware you can use for 30 days, after that you have to pay your share fee.
ConvertTextInfos version History
1.0.0: The first internet release.
1.0.0b2: Fix an error with the "Power Mac Debugger 2.1a1" (I have add the proper SIZE resources).
1.0.1b1: Fix an error with the "AppleEvent Manager" (the structure QDGlobals is now static). Add the support of AppleEvent (supports kAEQuitApplication and kAEOpenDocuments messages).
Add a suffix (.out) to the processed file. Support multiple file with Drag&Drop.
DLOG_Manager 1.10 - $15
DLOG_Manager is a library that can help in handle a DLOG structure. You define the DLOGs item in a Template structure 'EdF2'.
It includes different feature that apple DLOG manager dosn't support.
a) uses styl Text Edit for input and output.
b) uses trumbs to manage greater text.
c) uses multi-level pop-ups.
d) uses input field with pop-ups.
I raccomand you to try the program for a cuple of week and the decide to register it or to delete it. You can obtain more information typist Cmd-Opt-I in the main window (the one that appare after you type Cmd-N).
The package contains two 68K version, one for the MPW 3.3.1 and one for THINK C 7.07.
The two folder contain a program DLOGManagerSample 1.1 that swhow the management capacity of the library.
I'd like if you send me your comment about DLOGManager (for example what sort of funcion will be
implemented to make it usefull for you) specifying what is right and what is wrong. I'm wainting for